
1000+ Mayors, Reeves, Councillors, leaders from business, energy, arts, education, health, environment and advocates from across Alberta have taken my small-group government relations seminar.

87% of participants in one of those recent seminars were very satisfied with my course. In the same setting, 100% of them were very satisfied with my preparedness. This seminar is for Albertans who want to talk to the UCP about what they care about.


Government Relations

A one day seminar designed to improve your advocacy skills. Get hands-on training, with step-by-step instructions, insight and awareness of successful lobbying.

You'll walk away from the seminar with tangible skills that will give you the ability to:

  • Improve the efficiency of any lobbying campaign.

  • Access powerful committees

  • Craft better messages

  • Craft proactive and dynamic strategies that mitigate risk and leverage opportunities

  • Use the tools of an analytical approach with confidence

  • Learn how to engage elected officials at different levels

What People Are Saying

“Opened my eyes to lobbying” 

Maurice is a VERY engaging presenter. His transparency and examples were so inspiring. He is very relational and easy to interact with.

“Willing to address individual questions and discussion”

“This class was great. This man was able to discuss government while staying on a neutral playing field.”

“Very practical, very focused”

“A lot of professionals are good at what they do but can’t relate it to others. You have a way of making it look easy”